Author: b5ozw

  • Get playful this New Year and cleanse your writing palate

    Ahead of New Year, I’ve just been enjoying this list of curious customs from around the world, which includes flaming scarecrows, holding parties in which everything must be round and wearing colourful underwear.  While for some of us, a good effigy-burning is all in a weekend’s work, these snapshots got me thinking. The themes running…

  • Playing with words: copywriting for toys

    Playing with words: copywriting for toys A post I wrote for the Professional Copywriters Network on cuddles, puns and the pitfalls of accidental smut.

  • A Hash of Inspiration: The Pun Game as Marketing Tool

    Ever looked at a corporate hashtag and thought “Who voluntarily uses that?” The short answer is normally “Someone who wants to win free stuff”. Without such incentives, though, there is a fine art to convincing the denizens of Twitter to take your message to their heart/feed. Every brand dreams of appearing in the hallowed left-hand…

  • Madness in Copywriting: the redundancy of offence

    Every so often, you’ll see a story like this pop up in the paper:  ‘Don’t get mad, take lithium’: Joy’s greeting card branded offensive to those with mental health issues And reliably, as soon as the weary sub-editor hits Publish and the story goes live, the tired protests over oversensitivity, political correctness and freedom of…